Sunday, 29 March 2015


The camera cannot see Micky. I can see him through the camera and he is three dimensional but the camera can only focus on the surface of the paper. The series of dots that make up the image. When I enlarge the image big I too can only see dots. This is heart breaking and I feel sorrow. Where is he ?? Where is his image? It has disappeared

Everything I want it to be

The images are everything and anything I want them to be for me. His face never lets me down. It is always there looking back at me, engaging with me. It is always consistent staying the same each time I look at it. I can bring to it my own ideas, my own imagination and fantasies. The image always gives and never takes. It always fulfills whatever my dream is of the moment.

My Gear

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Lighting and Tripod

I have bought a new tripod that enables me to do much more accurate copy work. Small battery operated lights also assist with the job. After many experiments I am now setting my camera on 200 ISO, F7.1, Shutter speed between 1/8 to 1/40 second depending on the image. I am using manual and Auto focus depending on the size of the image and looking for the rosette pattern to focus on. I am shooting in RAW as it records more data and then desaturating later if it is a black and white image. There are many more mid tones when I use this approach.  

Monday, 2 March 2015

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Looking and Image, Subject and Object

This obsession takes the form of looking at images of a person. I am interested in the meaning of the word 'looking' and the word 'image' in the context of this project. The image replaces the real person as the real person is unavailable. By looking at image after image of this person I am able to bring to it my own interpretation through desire, fantasy and imagination. The image becomes the real in my imagination. The subject (person) becomes an image and the image can become an object (the photograph)